Renew your view
Ambassador — Amsterdam (2024) 
As part of the campaign to reintroduce the world to the modern version of Amsterdam, Jordi was selected as one of the nine ambassadors to represent the city. Using their position as the curator of SEXYLAND tell a story about opportunity for divers and safe day and nightlife.
Image from Ruby Cruden
Image from Ruby Cruden
Images from Ruby Cruden
Images from Ruby Cruden
Images from Ruby Cruden
Images from Ruby Cruden
Storyteller — Stadsarchief Amsterdam (2023)
'To Dance is to be Free' explores the core of club culture in Amsterdam from 1980 to the present day with breathtaking photos, personal stories, historical flyers, immersive videos, exceptional visual art, valuable documents, and unique objects. Relive memories of iconic clubs like RoXY, iT, Mazzo, Club11, and Trouw, and discover the stories behind contemporary organizations such as Spielraum, 3X, and Garage Noord.
De roze revolutie
Guests — NPO 2 (2021)
In the four-part series 'De roze revolutie', director Michiel van Erp examines the history of the LGBTQIA+ movement in the Netherlands over the past fifty years from his personal amazement.
A movement of free-spirited people who celebrate that everyone is different. In intimate conversations he takes stock. What about the hard-fought achievements and what about all those letters?
Ambassador — Paradiso Amsterdam (2017)
The pop temple Paradiso is a venue that is utilized as much as possible for lectures, workshops, and live concerts in the afternoon and evening. The night in Paradiso is equally significant. To give more attention to this, the national poster campaign portrays selected night programmers to promote the nighttime agenda. Under the title 'Club Paradiso', specialized programs can now be found on the agenda and website.
Queer Amsterdam
Extra episode — Omroep BBN (2017)
Queer Amsterdam is BNN’s new dramaseries made by three young makers that try to break stereotypes that straight, gay, men or women have to deal with. Although it’s very easy to link everyone to a certain stereotype, it’s mostly not true. ‘Normal’ or ‘average’ is not only extremely unsexy, it also doesn’t exist.
Interview — PAROOL PS (2012 & 2022)
Interview — Financieel Dagblad (2011)
Article — Parool PS (2011)
Series of interviews after the final MULTISEXI night.